Museum of Science Fiction might be coming to D.C.
Trekkies and wanna-be Mars colonists might soon have a permanent, brick-and-mortar place to convene and share their love of all things science fiction.
On Nov. 4, a group in Washington, D.C., announced plans for a Museum of Science Fiction. Comprised of sci-fi artists, entrepreneurs, law professors, and a former NASA program manager, the groups says it will soon begin creating a storefront preview space to open in late 2014. That space will serve as the precursor to a larger, permanent space slotted to open in 2017.
"We believe Washington, D.C. is an ideal location for a museum dedicated to science fiction, based in part on the remarkable draw the District's museums have for people from all over the world," said executive director Greg Viggiano. "Indeed, one of the most popular museum destinations worldwide is the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, and those who took humanity into orbit were inspired by science fiction, from Jules Verne to Star Trek."
The plans call for everything from artifacts to film manuscripts, robots, time machines, aliens, movie props and sets, and model spaceships. They've launched a crowd-funding campaign to raise the funds for the initial pop-up site.
"You need look no further than the popular fan conventions that occur almost every weekend to see that the power of the science fiction fan is undeniable. No other genre enjoys the same level of loyalty and support, and this campaign is a statement of support directly from the fans," Viggiano said.
They are seeking to raise $160,000 by Dec. 11, through the website As of Tuesday morning, the campaign had raised $11,399.
"The story of science fiction is very interesting," Viggiano added. "We're looking to explain how it began, how it has evolved, and how it influences us. While other museums and exhibitions have highlighted certain aspects of science fiction, our museum will look at it from all angles: its themes, contributors, artifacts, and messages. We hope the Museum of Science Fiction will become a comprehensive resource for learning more about the genre."