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Mrs. McCain Walks A Fine Line

In spite of the very high-profile nature of the GOP campaign in South Carolina this week, Cindy McCain says she's a "very private person" whose children come first.

She's on the campaign trail with her husband, whose insurgent campaign has in recent weeks taken on a life of its own.

"We're seeing the enthusiasm," she said Thursday morning in an interview with CBS News Early Show co-anchor Jane Clayson. "We're seeing the response to my husband's message"

Moreover, Mrs. McCain says, the last eight years have seen the White House with a very activist first lady, and people have become accustomed to that.

"The position of first lady has been elevated because of Mrs. Clinton's role in previous years," she said.

And to some extent, she seems willing to be a public person. But she admitted that she misses her children, who are in Arizona.

"I have four young children at home," she says. "I view my role as being at home with my children. But it's very important that I'm here with my husband."

What is it about the Senator that has struck such a chord? The honorable decisions he has made in the past, she says, but also, he seems to have energized a normally complacent section of society:

"He is an inspiration to the young people of America," Mrs. McCain says. "We're seeing hundreds of thousands of young people getting involved who have never been involved before. That's wonderful."

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