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Mr. President, Thank You for Not Smoking

As unaccustomed as I am to handing out compliments to our elected officials, may I compliment someone who hasn't gotten many lately?

President Obama, thank you for not smoking.

In a week filled with the unexpected - yes, that was former President Clinton holding forth at the White House podium Friday and loving it, and yes, he's still a good briefer . . .

And yes, those were Republicans lining up to support the president's tax proposals . . .

And yes, those were Democrats telling him to shove it (Talk about role reversal!) - it was as if actors in a play all decided to exchange costumes and roles on stage ("You wear my suit, I'll wear yours! I'll say your lines, you say mine!").

Well, amidst all that, a nice surprise. We learned that the President hasn't been seen with a cigarette in nine months. Good on him!

I hope he's beaten it once and for all.

As a once-heavy smoker who got cancer and several other diseases from my addiction, I know how hard it was to quit.

But over the past few months, I have publicly challenged the President and incoming House Speaker (and heavy smoker) John Boehner to set an example and pledge jointly to quit.

My buddy Tom Brokaw joined the cause today, and said [in a Washington Post article] the two should make that pledge on the steps of the National Institutes of Health.

He noted cancer kills 443,000 people a year - ten times more than car wrecks.

So what do you say, Mr. Boehner? Are you going to let the President one-up you on this? If Barack Obama can do it, can't you?

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