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Moussaoui Trial Juror Sketches

The following are brief profiles of the jurors picked for the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui.

All information about the jurors comes from public statements by the jurors themselves or statements about them by attorneys in the case during seven days of jury selection last month. CBS News' Josh Gross provided further reporting on the jurors.

The court does not plan to disclose the names of the jurors; they will be referred to throughout the trial by these juror numbers.

  • Juror No. 19 Male, married. Wasn't certain whether Moussaoui's membership in al Qaeda would affect his judgment. He seemed to have concerns about what the appropriate penalty should be for someone willing to be a martyr.
  • Juror No. 36 Female, runs her own business. Although she would tend to assume an al Qaeda member is evil, she said she could be fair even to an admitted member.
  • Juror No. 53 Female, works in county government. A relative worked for the CIA almost 30 years ago. CBS News' Josh Gross reports that Juror 53 was "very nervous" in the courtroom and Moussaoui "took notice of this, marking things down on a pad when she hesitated" in her answers.
  • Juror No. 159 Female, employed. Neither side had any questions for her; she was accepted immediately.
  • Juror No. 192 Male, employed in the private sector. Served in the mid-1980s on a jury that found that defendant guilty of burglary.
  • Juror No. 237 Female, works in the private sector. Her brother-in-law is in the New York City Police Department and worked as a rescuer at the World Trade Center. They have discussed 9/11 but she said his information and reactions would not affect her verdict. She added that in the lead-up to 9/11, she thought the FBI had done a "good job," but she was not strongly opinionated on the topic.
  • Juror No. 246 Male, married, employed in the private sector with the same company for the last six years. His father retired from a CIA communications job five years ago, before 9/11.
  • Juror No. 272 Male, works as an "analyst" and is married, but his wife has lived elsewhere for three years and he only sees her on weekends. He said he was aware of Moussaoui's al-Qaeda ties, but "they would not affect his impartiality," CBS' Gross says.
  • Juror No. 299 Female, works in the private sector. A Sunni Muslim born in Iran, she speaks Farsi but not Arabic. She said of sentencing: "If I hear the facts and I think the answer is the death penalty, then I will do that."
  • Juror No. 330 Male, married and works as an accountant in the private sector.
  • Juror No. 379 Male, married and works in the private sector. Spent seven years in the Navy as a lieutenant and served on an amphibious ship in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm, 1990-91. His brother is a former police officer. Said he considers law enforcement witnesses as slightly more credible than others, but could follow instructions not to do that. Said he has a slightly negative view of the FBI's performance before 9/11 but his mind could be changed by evidence.
  • Juror No. 402 Male, employed. He serves in the military reserves, but doesn't think he is due to be called up for service.
  • Juror No. 439 Male, federal government employee. Said he felt there was a lack of communication between the CIA and FBI before 9/11. Those views, however, were "not firm" and he indicated willingness to examine evidence.
  • Juror No. 451 Male, married and works at what the judge called "a fairly responsible job'' in the private sector.
  • Juror No. 526 Male, works for government and has a family. Acknowledged hearing that some intelligence agencies didn't work well together before 9/11 but said he has an open mind on that issue.
  • Juror No. 533 Female, a high school math teacher. Has traveled throughout the Middle East when her father was teaching in Bahrain in the 1970s and now has an Islamic student. The fathers of two of her students are firefighters who responded to the 9/11 crash at the Pentagon. She attended a 9/11 memorial at school and helped freshmen make a quilt to give to the fire department. She also said she watched the A&E special on Flight 93, but she realizes that a TV re-enactment is not based on "total truth." This juror said she can "separate the film and news reports from what is presented in court."
  • Juror No. 659 Female, mental health researcher in the private sector. Said she attends meetings with and share the same professional orientation as one of the witnesses to be called at the trial. While the government expressed concern that she might be a "shadow judge" in the jury room or put too much emphasis on mental health issues, CBS' Josh Gross explains, the judge was convinced she would be fair.
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