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More Ship Assaults Reported

Carnival Cruise Lines, which earlier this month reported 62 sexual assaults aboard its ships over the past five years, has raised the number to 108, an increase of more than 70 percent.

The world's largest cruise ship company said Wednesday that 22 of the assaults were reported as rapes, including 16 passengers who said crew members attacked them.

Carnival said 28 incidents were described only as kisses. The rest involved touching or other "advances."

The revised numbers were released just a day after the 16 members of the International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) said ships out of U.S. ports must now report all crimes to the FBI. The cruise lines had previously left it to victims to report a crime once back in port.

Cynthia Colenda, ICCL president, told CBS This Morning Co-Anchor Thalia Assuras, "We have a zero tolerance for any crime on board and will report all crimes that occur."

She said, "Our number one commitment for the industry is to make sure that passengers have a fun and enjoyable experience."

Carnival's new report includes details about actions taken by the company in response to each allegation. Forty-nine crew members were fired, even if the allegations could not be confirmed, The Miami Herald reported.

The initial report was never intended to be considered complete, said Curtis Mase, an attorney for the cruise line.

"We had explicitly stated that we had prepared the information very hastily," he said Wednesday. "We anticipated amending and supplementing it."

The incidents happened over a five-year period, ending last August. The 62 incidents were revealed as part of a lawsuit by a former crew member alleging a shipboard rape. Gary Fox, a lawyer for the woman, accused Carnival of concealing information.

"When they say they omitted these 46 allegations because they didn't have enough time to thoroughly research it, that is completely bogus," he said.

Also Wednesday, Royal Caribbean Cruises settled a lawsuit brought by the family of a 15-year-old Canadian boy who said he was sexually assaulted by a crew member last year. Terms were not released.

The family's lawsuit said the boy was served so much champagne he got sick, and while in "a drunken stupor," was taken to an empty cabin by a 25-year-old crew member.

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