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Montana Radio Shack: "Sign up now. Get free gun"

HAMILTON, Mont. - A RadioShack in Montana is offering would-be satellite television customers more bang for their buck. The Ravalli Republic reports customers who sign up for some Dish Network packages at RadioShack in Hamilton will receive a coupon for a pistol or shotgun and the required background check. Those not interested in a gun get a $50 Pizza Hut gift card.

Store owner Steve Strand says it took some haggling to get Dish Network to go along with the promotion, but it has tripled his business since last October.

The sign outside the business reads: "Protect yourself with Dish Network. Sign up now, get free gun."

The store manager Fabian Levy, told the Ravalli Republic that he had wanted to generate more foot traffic at their location and the gun giveaway has done the trick.

"It's been really successful," Levy said. Levy said that people choosing to receive the gun would go through a free background check. "We're not just giving guns to felons," he said.

RadioShack Corp. released a statement Friday that the independent dealer's offer does not follow the corporation's marketing practices and that it is in discussions with him.

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