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Baltimore's "number one trigger-puller" accidentally released from jail, police say

BALTIMORE – A man who Baltimore Police dubbed the city’s “number one trigger-puller” was accidentally set free Saturday, CBS Baltimore reported.

Federal agents had to come in and search for the suspect.

Montana Barronette, who police considered extremely dangerous, was able to walk out of jail and he was a free man for more than 24 hours.

Barronette is so infamous, the Baltimore Police Department dubbed him the “number one trigger-puller” in the past, saying he was possibly linked to 12 murders.

“Barronette is very good at his craft, his craft is killing,” said Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis.

On Saturday night, Barronette, thought to be a member of the notorious Black Guerrilla Family, was accidentally released from Central Booking.

Barronette was federally indicted so state charges were dropped.

The department said employees didn’t realize the federal indictment was in place, so they just let Barronette go.

“It’s not that just someone was released, it the who was released. This is someone who is considered to be the most dangerous person in the city of Baltimore,” said Brandon Scott, Baltimore City council member.

A full day-and-a-half later, federal agents tracked Barronette to a location in Reisterstown. Two booking center employees were suspended.

“When a mistake of this magnitude is made, you just don’t get a slap on the wrist. Someone has to know that this is very serious because it could cost someone their life,” said Scott.

The department said the accidental releases are rare and that they are taking the matter seriously.

Barronette is now being held at the Chesapeake Detention Center downtown.

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