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Mom's The Word

Attention, offspring!

It's Sunday, May 10. Do you know where your Mother's Day gift is? Or how you'll get along with her on the big day? Or how good a mom George Costanza's mom is? Or how Mother's Day even began?

We thought not. And after all she's done for you.

Once again, we will come to your rescue. (Really, we're doing it for her.) Here is the ultimate Mother's Day package.

Moms, take note: There's a little something in here for you too! Send your kid a personalized Nag-Lib via email now!

Mother's Little Treasure
One-click shopping (more or less) for Mother's Day gifts.

Dearest Moms And Mothers Dearest
Renowned psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers rates some famous moms, from Queen Elizabeth II to Marge Simpson.

Momma Trauma
Experts on relationships advise you on how to shrug off Mom's endearing little quirks, like asking when you're finally going to get married.

Just for mothers: the first-ever email nag. Fill in the blanks in our handy-dandy form, and will do the rest in time for Mother's Day.

Maternity Through Eternity
Did you think Mother's Day was invented by a greeting card company? We have the real history.

The Moms Behind The Men
From CBS This Morning, Son-In-Chief Bill Clinton, basketball player Grant Hill, and country music superstar Garth Brooks talk about their moms.

Produced by Rob Medich and Curtis Grisham with graphic design by Sophie Chou.
Associate Producer: Joshua Platt.

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