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Mind-reading TV announced at IFA conference

The Force is strong with this one NeuroSky

(CBS) - A television that can read brainwaves was announced Friday at the Internationale FunkAusstellung (IFA) conference in Berlin.

Built by Chinese electronics company Haier, the television comes with the NeuroSky MindReader headset. The technology is said to detect human brainwave patterns and translate them into a digital signal that the television can recognize.


Having a brain-dead moment thinking about what it all means? You're not alone.

Essentially, it's sort of like a game system installed in a television. You'll be able to use a headset that connects with games and apps. Calm down, Chad Vader. You can't fast forward and rewind shows with your thoughts yet.

A spokesperson for Silicon Valley-based bio censor company NeuroSky talked with us and described how the technology is applied to the apps NeuroFly and Tug of Mind.

NeuroFly is a game where you play a little yellow bird trapped in a maze searching for jewels. In Tug of Mind you compete against the other animals to show off your mental muscle.

Brainwave technology is not new, however, this is the first time it will be applied to a television set. It's unclear to us how deeply these games and apps developed, but the implications of this technology applied to video games is absolutely thrilling.

Ahem. Are you taking note, LucasArts? 

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