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Mike Pence to release tax returns, receive first intelligence briefing Friday

GOP Vice presidential nominee Mike Pence plans to release his tax returns Friday morning, a source close to the campaign tells CBS News.

Pence, the governor of Indiana, said in an interview that aired Sunday that he had planned to release them this week.

“Donald Trump and I are both going to release our tax returns,” Pence said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I’ll release mine in the next week.”

“Donald Trump,” he added, “will be releasing his tax returns at the completion of an audit.”

The GOP presidential nominee has continually refused to release them, claiming that he can’t while he’s under audit. Before Kellyanne Conway took over as Trump’s campaign manager, she said back in April that he should make them transparent, but she recently reversed that position and now believes he should wait to disclose them.

Pence is also expected to receive his first intelligence briefing on Friday.

Both Trump and Hillary Clinton have already received intelligence briefings. Trump has come under fire for saying during the veterans forum Wednesday night on NBC that his briefers acted like “our leaders did not follow what they were recommending.” 

CBS News’ Major Garrett contributed to this report. 

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