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Mike Meyers teaches Kevin Kline "Oscar etiquette"

(CBS) Mike Meyers, dressed up as an Oscar etiquette coach named Sir Cecil Worthington, helps Oscar-winner Kevin Kline through an Oscar etiquette refresher course.

"Left hand under the base. Right hand on the statuette - below the knees," Meyers lectures to Kline, after the actor was "seen" holding his statue upside down.

Special Section: Oscars 2012

"Thumb below the bum," serves as Kline's new mantra for proper holding of the Oscar, what Worthington calls "the rule of bum."

Worthington also drills Kline about where the Oscar should be placed, giving him a long acronym to learn that spells out "Even Surface."

See who of this year's winners gets Oscar etiquette right at the  Academy Awards this Sunday, Feb. 26, at 7 p.m. ET on ABC. 

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