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Police chief to Michael Brown's family: "I am truly sorry"

ST. LOUIS -- The Missouri police chief whose officer fatally shot an unarmed 18-year-old last month released a video Thursday apologizing to the family and the community, acknowledging that Michael Brown's body remained in the street for too long after he was killed.

"I want to say this to the Brown family: No one who has not experienced the loss of a child can understand what you're feeling. I am truly sorry for the loss of your son," Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said.

The video was released by a public relations agency on the same day Brown's parents were in Washington pressing for a full federal investigation. A state grand jury is considering whether criminal charges are warranted, but a decision isn't expected for several weeks.

(Scroll down to watch the video of Jackson's statement)

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Brown was unarmed when he was fatally shot Aug. 9 during a confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson, and his body remained in the street for more than four hours. At the time, police said they needed the time to gather evidence from the street, Canfield Drive, which is lined with apartment buildings.

"But it was just too long and I'm truly sorry for that," Jackson, dressed casually in a red polo shirt instead of his police uniform, said on the video. "Please know that the investigating officers meant no disrespect to the Brown family, to the African-American community or the people of Canfield (Drive). They were simply trying to do their jobs."

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Brown's parents declined comment when told about Jackson's video during a news conference with civil rights leaders at the National Press Club. Their attorney later said they hadn't heard about the video but would review it.

The shooting of Brown, who was black, by the white police officer sparked racial unrest and numerous protests in Ferguson, including some that turned violent and involved looting. Some residents and civil rights activists have said officers were overly aggressive, noting their use of tear gas and military-style vehicles and gear. The responding officers included Ferguson police and St. Louis County police.

In the video, Jackson also apologized to any peaceful protesters who felt their rights were violated.

"The right of the people to peacefully assemble is what the police are here to protect," Jackson said. "If anyone who was peacefully exercising that right is upset and angry, I feel responsible, and I'm sorry."

He also acknowledged that "pain and mistrust" existed between the African-American community and police.

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"It is clear that we have much work to do," Jackson said.

The U.S. Department of Justice is looking into possible civil rights violations. On Wednesday, investigators with the agency's Civil Rights Division hosted a meeting in Ferguson to allow residents to express concerns about police. About 300 people attended the meeting, including many who met individually with investigators. Many said afterward that they shared stories of police brutality and harassment.

Wilson has been on leave since the shooting.

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