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Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas

Elton John wished me a Happy Christmas the other night.

Well, me and a few hundred other souls who'd braved the winter's evening here in London to attend the final gig of his world tour at a tiny theatre in Shepherds Bush just down the road.

This is the concert tour that's earned Elton's favourite charity more than a couple of million dollars, so we all felt a nice warm glow as he belted out all those hits for nearly three hours. And the lady from Michigan who took her holidays in freezing, wet Britain to go to all Elton's British gigs pronounced it the best ever. Mind you, her husband, who's not quite so dedicated, spent the evening waiting for her in The Slug and Lettuce, the pub around the corner from the theatre.

There's nothing politically correct about Elton John, he knows what the crowd wants and he gives it to them in spades. And he's not about to follow the present fashion for wishing everyone a "Happy Holiday" or "Seasons Greetings", which is what some well meaning folk have taken to doing.

The worthies who run Birmingham, our second city, even decided to avoid the use of the word Christmas in any of its buildings, just in case someone was offended. Beyond the debate that's raged for as long as I can remember about Christmas being too commercial, there's now an argument about Christmas being offensive to other beliefs. All of which is just plain silly.

Millions of us on this side of the pond, of all religions and none will go to Midnight Services in big, warm, city churches, with glorious singing from well tutored choirs. And those old Saxon churches, their throaty congregations buttoned up against the cold, will be packed as well. The Scrooges of this world have had their way for too long. It's time to give them the boot, as Dickens did.

Christmas is about goodwill and generosity certainly and about suspending, just for a while, the gloom and uncertainty that seems to surround us. And whatever your religion, that's something that all of us can embrace, without embarrassment and without taking offence. So, from all of us here in chilly England, have a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and safe New Year.

By Simon Bates

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