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Mel Gibson Puts Vatican On Hold

The film has already won praise from several top prelates, but plans for a wider Vatican screening of Mel Gibson's Biblical epic on the crucifixion of Christ have been delayed, organizers of a religious film convention said Tuesday.

The private screening as part of a convention on spirituality in film was planned for Tuesday evening, but organizers were told by Gibson's Icon Productions company that the film is still not finished.

"At this time, we would prefer to wait and screen a completed film being as it is only weeks away from being finished," said an e-mail received by organizers.

Gibson plans to open the film in the United States on Feb. 25 — Ash Wednesday on the Roman Catholic calendar.

The film has drawn complaints from some Jewish leaders, who say it suggests Jews were responsible for Christ's death.

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who saw an unfinished version of the film in September, rejected suggestions that the film may offend Jewish sensibilities and promote anti-Semitism.

The Reverend Billy Graham has praised the controversial biblical epic, saying he was "moved to tears," after viewing a private screening with Gibson last week.

The film describes the hours before Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

Graham said the film "is faithful to the Bible's teaching that we are all responsible for Jesus' death, because we all have sinned." He says "it is our sins" that caused Jesus' death, "not any particular group."

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