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McClellan: I'm "Intruigued" By Obama

CBS News anchor Katie Couric interviewed former White House press secretary Scott McClellan about his explosive new book - and the criticism it is stirring. What follows is a partial transcript of the interview.

Couric: Do you support John McCain?

McClellan: I haven't made a decision yet. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Sen. McCain. He is certainly someone who has governed form the center, and that's where I come from; I am pretty much a centrist who believes in working together to solve problems and get things done and putting the country ahead of partisan politics. I also an intrigued by Sen. Obama's message (smiles). It's a message that is very similar to the one Gov. Bush ran on in 2000, and won on, promising to bring bi-partisanship and honesty and integrity to Washington.

Couric: So you could see yourself actually voting for Barack Obama?

McClellan: I just said I haven't made a decision, but I do think, you know, McCain talked about ending the permanent campaign recently, Sen. Obama talks about changing the way Washington works. They better have a specific plan for doing that if they're gonna actually be the president of the United States, because it is difficult to do.

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