McCain Says "Fundamentals" Of U.S. Economy Are Strong

(ORLANDO, FLA.) – John McCain tried once again to assure voters that the "fundamentals" of the American economy are strong, despite the ongoing financial meltdown.
"The economic crisis is not the fault of the American people. Our workers are the most innovative, the hardest working, the best skilled, most productive, most competitive in the world, that's the American worker," McCain said at a town hall meeting here.
"My opponents may disagree, but those fundamentals, the American worker and their innovation, their entrepreneurship, the small business, those are the fundamentals of America and I think they're strong."
Meantime, Obama blasted McCain's earlier comments on the economy, when McCain was a little less specific. McCain said, "The fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times."
Obama responded today in Colorado, saying, "It's not that I think John McCain doesn't care what's going on in the lives of most Americans. I just think doesn't know. He doesn't get what's happening between the mountain in Sedona where he lives and the corridors of Washington where he works. Why else would he say that we've made great progress economically under George Bush?"
"Why else would he say, today, of all days – just a few hours ago – that the fundamentals of the economy are still strong? Senator – what economy are you talking about?"
McCain's campaign responded that Obama had no trust in American workers.
"Only Barack Obama would take a statement about the strength, ingenuity and resilience of American workers and American industry and turn it into a political distortion and attack," said campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds.
"Barack Obama's short career as a public servant has been defined by pessimism, defeatism, and weakness in the face of the great challenges of our time. His lack of faith in American workers may explain his willingness to raise taxes during a struggling economy, but it is no way to lead our country."