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Mark Knoller to Be Honored by White House Correspondents' Association

CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller will be honored with one of journalism's most prestigious awards at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner on May 1.

Knoller will receive the Aldo Beckman award for sustained excellence in White House coverage. The Correspondents' Association cited Knoller's more than 35 years of work covering the White House. Knoller is known in Washington for his scrupulous attention to detail and dedicated work ethic, which were recently chronicled in the Wall Street Journal. (At left: Knoller appears on's "Washington Unplugged" Web show)

"His meticulous record-keeping as an unofficial archivist of the presidency serves the public and keeps the White House accountable," the judges said in a statement today. "Mark Knoller lives and breathes reporting. The public is well-served by his tireless efforts."

The judges hailed his "insightful reporting on multiple platforms" including radio, television and Twitter -- as well as this blog.

"It's a great honor," Knoller said. "I've covered the White House far longer than any other assignment in my career. I've worked hard at it, and it's flattering to be recognized."

Knoller added that he personally knew Aldo Beckman, who was a White House reporter during Knoller's early years on the job.

"I think he'd get a kick to know that one of the rookies from 30 years ago was getting an award named for him," he said.

The Beckman award carries a $1,000 prize.

At the May 1 dinner, the Correspondents' Association is also honoring Ben Feller of the Associated Press, Jake Tapper of ABC News, and Suzanne Bohan and Sandy Kleffman of the Contra Costa Times, which is based in California.

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