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Marco Rubio takes aim at Hillary Clinton after debate

Marco Rubio may have been visibly tired after leaving the debate stage Tuesday night, but he seemed elated as he talked with voters in both Iowa and South Carolina on Wednesday.

Stopping first in Iowa, and riding the momentum of another strong debate performance, Rubio said it was a "great night" and proceeded to put Hillary Clinton in his sights. He steered clear of mentioning any of his Republican opponents -- and focused on the need for American innovation and global leadership.

"Just a few hours ago we were on that stage, I still have remnants of the makeup on," Rubio explained with a chuckle. "So we had a great night last night. We really enjoyed being a part of that debate. In fact it was a real debate, they asked about policy questions, I know that is strange. But that was a great thing to be able to do and I know we look forward to the next one."

Post-GOP debate, Rubio talks immigration, deportation 04:26

Going into more detail at an event to open his South Carolina campaign headquarters in Columbia, Rubio explained his excitement over one debate question in particular.

"I was asked last night something about why should we vote for you and not Hillary Clinton" Rubio again chuckling, "It took me like 8 seconds. I wasted 8 of my 90 seconds laughing because I couldn't contain myself. I've been waiting all my life to answer that question."

Rubio continued his focus on the military Wednesday -- Veterans Day -- after fending off attacks from Rand Paul over defense spending. During Tuesday night's Republican debate, Paul called Rubio's stance on increased military spending out of step with conservative ideals.

Rubio also highlighted the Veterans Affairs (VA) system, calling it a "disaster" and calling out Hillary Clinton's stance on the agency. The Florida senator accused her of not recognizing the VA's shortcomings, and alluded to a recent TV interview in which she suggested that the VA's problems were "not as widespread" as they have "been made out to be."

Marco Rubio: VA workers who don't do their jobs should be fired 01:02

"I invite her to come to one of my offices across the state of Florida," Rubio pressed, referring to the VA offices in FL, adding that she could listen to the people calling into the VA in order to understand the problems they face. Rubio added a personal layer to his assertions telling voters that his brother was a green beret in the army.

One man in Iowa mentioned the need to turn around narrative posited by Hillary Clinton that the GOP is against women. The man, who came up to Rubio after the event, explained that half of the abortions are women and explained the need to "turn the argument against her" -- referring to Hillary Clinton.

"We intend to expose her really radical views on abortion," Rubio said to the man. "We intend to talk about her out of the mainstream ideas on life."

Mike Miller of Muscatine, Iowa, has been a supporter for months is now getting involved in the effort to elect Rubio.

"He seems to have the answers and the vision for the future. And the charisma. I would follow this guy" Miller explained, noting his rock solid views on business and national defense. Miller is now a first-time campaign volunteer.

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