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Manhunt suspect who stole weapons, sent Trump manifesto convicted in state court

JANESVILLE, Wisc. -- A Wisconsin man accused of stealing weapons and sending a rambling anti-government manifesto to President Donald Trump has been found guilty in state court on charges of burglary, theft, and possession of burglary tools, reports CBS affiliate WDJT.

Joseph Jakubowski faces up to 24½ years in prison. He had already been convicted in federal court of stealing firearms from a Janesville gun shop and was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison in December.

A sentencing hearing on the state charges is scheduled Feb. 28.  

A jury was seated in the state case against him in Rock County Monday. After Jakubowski refused to raise his hand to take the oath Monday, Judge James Daley told him he would not be allowed to testify, the Janesville Gazette reported. Jakubowski discussed the situation with his defense attorney, Michael Murphy, who then announced that his client would not take the witness stand.

The trial resumed with closing arguments Tuesday.

Jakubowski admitted in his federal trial last fall that he took 18 firearms from the gun shop, Armageddon Supplies. He broke into the store on April 4. He mailed the 160-page manifesto to Trump, drove to a rural road and set his SUV on fire and disappeared.

He was captured 10 days later 130 miles away in western Wisconsin where he told the landowner he just wanted to live "off the grid."

Jakubowski was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison in December after a profanity-laced back and forth with the judge where he asked to either be set free or killed.

More firearms were stolen from the same gun store in an unrelated Monday night burglary, WISC-TV reports.

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