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Manage ZIP and Other Compressed Files with ALZip (Windows)

alzip.jpgA ZIP file is a compressed file that contains one or more other files. ALZip is a free utility that allows you to create and decompress ZIP files -- and not just ZIP files, but also ARJ, ISO, RAR, and 30-odd other formats. The program incorporates a cute, friendly interface, and it's much easier to use than other freebie ZIP managers I've tried (including open-source favorite 7-Zip).

As you probably know, Windows XP and Vista can open and expand ZIP files, but not create them. If you want to send a batch of photos, documents, or other files to a client or co-worker, it's bad form to attach them individually to an e-mail. You should zip 'em up, a piece of cake with ALZip: Just select the file(s) in Windows Explorer, right click, and then choose "Add to and e-mail."

This is a great little program, and you can't beat the price: It's free for Windows 98 and later.

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