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Man performs amazing flip over a speeding car

(CBS) - So let me get the basics out of the way: no one should ever try to emulate or do the stunt in the above video. Most people who attempt to do a flip over a car speeding at them will end up in the hospital or the morgue without a doubt.

Okay, now that that's out the way, watch a truly epic video of a man flip over a car (and other things). The car flip happens at about 14 seconds into the video.

The adult in me is saying, "That is so incredibly dangerous! He better have health insurance..." while the kid in me is screaming, "That is the coolest thing ever!"

As a professional blogger I've got to emphasize again how dangerous that stunt is and to never, ever try to emulate it. That said (again, just in case), what an amazing stunt to behold, right?

And this post gets even better with the same flip over a car shown from different angles in the video below. Check it out.

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