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Madonna Returns To Orphanage In Malawi

Madonna returned Tuesday to the orphanage where she found David Banda, the young Malawian boy she hopes to adopt. The pop star was also accompanied by her 9-year-old daughter, Lourdes.

Children at the church-run Home of Hope orphanage in Mchinji, a village near the Zambian border, sang and recited lessons for Madonna while Lourdes took video footage.

Madonna's security and police tried to stop journalists and onlookers from entering the orphanage compound. But villagers, mainly children, clamored over the waist-high wall and rushed in.

The orphanage has been the scene of much excitement in recent weeks with the road leading to it graded, new flowers planted and new uniforms for the children.

Madonna In Malawi
Madonna visited Malawi in October and took custody of David, then 14 months old, who was in the orphanage after the death of his mother. The move sparked controversy and raised concerns that regulations were being swept aside to benefit a pop star who has been generous to the country.

2The 48-year-old pop star has said she has followed the law.

Madonna is visiting Malawi to oversee her charity projects in this impoverished country. She aims to provide food, education and shelter for up to 4,000 Malawian children through her Raising Malawi organization.

As she was leaving the orphanage Tuesday, Madonna posed for photographs, holding hands with Lourdes and with David in her arms.

Madonna and Lourdes waved for the cameras and, laughing, tried to encourage the little boy to wave.

"It's great," the pop star said when asked how it felt to be back in Malawi.

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