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London mayor plows over 10-year-old in rugby game

LONDON -- There may have been bruises but there were no hard feelings after London Mayor Boris Johnson knocked over a 10-year-old Japanese boy during a game of rugby.

Sports fan Johnson plowed into Toki Sekiguchi Thursday while thundering down a turf-covered street rugby pitch in Tokyo.

A combination photo shows (clockwise from top L) London's Mayor Boris Johnson falling down after he collided with 10-year-old Toki Sekiguchi during a game of Street Rugby with a group of Tokyo children, outside the Tokyo Square Gardens building October 15, 2015. REUTERS

After they both got up, Johnson asked whether the boy was OK before shaking his hand and saying "I'm so sorry."

Later the pair posed for photographs and Johnson gave Sekiguchi a rugby ball.

The boy said that he "felt a little bit of pain," but it had been "enjoyable" meeting the mayor.

Johnson, who is on a trade visit to Japan, said later that he felt "terrible" about the collision.

"Poor little guy, I hope he is all right," he said. "He seemed very cheerful afterwards. He bounced back. That's a metaphor for life."

Johnson tweeted about the game, calling it "exhilarating."

It is not the first time Johnson, famous for his ebullient manner and shock of blond hair, has collided with a youngster. Last year he knocked over a 9-year-old during a soccer match.

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