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Locked out Reggie Bush glad not to be "slaving"

Reggie Bush
Reggie Bush Getty Images/Noel Vasquez

If the NFLPA is trying to play the victim in the ongoing labor fight, Reggie Bush is not helping the cause.

The Saints running back took to his Twitter account to say he was basking in lockout luxury.

"Everybody complaining about the lockout! Shoot I'm making the most of it! Vacation, rest, relaxing, appearances here and there! I'm good!" Bush tweeted. "Right about now we would be slaving in 100 degree heat, practicing twice a day, while putting our bodies at risk for nothing."

Apparently realizing the ill-advised sentiment, he later tweeted : "FYI last tweet was a joke! Relax people damn it's called sense of humor! Cry me a river why don't you."

Joke or no joke, Bush is under fire for offhandedly using the term "slaving" as well as being so cavalier about his job while the future of the NFL hangs in the balance.

Earlier this month, Bush raised eyebrows when he took to Twitter to bid farewell to the Saints after feeling jilted when the team drafted running back Mark Ingram in the first round.

His latest tweet may ruffle more feathers given the league's ongoing court fight. As's Josh Katzowitz points out: " The NFLPA is trying to argue that the NFL owners locking them out are causing the players irreparable harm, and that's a big reason why the District Court granted an injunction to lift the lockout. It's a little tougher to argue that point when the owners' lawyers can point to a tweet by Bush that says, 'I'm good!'"

Bush can take heart that at least one of his teammates isn't taking his tweets too seriously. Saints quarterback Brees said he saw the Twitter post in which Bush wrote, "It's been fun New Orleans," shortly after Ingram was drafted.

Brees said he hopes Bush will return to the team and texted words of encouragement to him soon after.

"I think that's just frustration a little bit, just because they draft a guy at your position," Brees said. "But I think the message that was sent to him was, 'By no means look at that as ... you're getting shown the door, that we don't want you,' or anything like that."

If Bush wasn't being shown the door by the drafting of Ingram, one of his ill-advised tweets might seal his exit.

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