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Liz Taylor and Eddie Fisher: Brangelina of the 1950s

- Singer Eddie Fisher, left, with actress Elizabeth Taylor, right, posing for the media after their marriage in this May 12, 1959 file photo taken Las Vegas. (AP/ file photo) Anonymous

(CBS) They weren't movie co-stars and they didn't have six kids, but Eddie Fisher and Elizabeth Taylor ignited a scandal that went unrivaled until 2005, when Brad Pitt divorced Jennifer Aniston to take up with his "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" co-star, Angelina Jolie.

Pictures: Elizabeth Taylor

It wasn't a shared movie, but a shared tragedy that led Fisher to divorce first wife, Debbie Reynolds to marry Taylor.

That tragedy was the death in a plane crash of producer Mike Todd, who was Taylor's husband and Fisher's best friend. The two couples were often pictured together in gossip columns and movie magazines.

Fisher comforted the widow. Then, amid sensationalist headlines, Fisher divorced Reynolds, the mother of his two children, and married Taylor in Las Vegas in 1959.

That marriage lasted just five years. Taylor dumped Fisher to marry her "Cleopatra" co-star, Richard Burton.

Fisher went on to marry three more times.



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