Lisa Turkki Stabbed Nieces She Was Babysitting, Say Police
KATONAH, N.Y. (CBS/AP/WCBS) Bedford police arrested Lisa Turkki of East Syracuse after she allegedly stabbed her two nieces several times while babysitting them in their parents' home.
Turkki, 39, called police Saturday night and allegedly told authorities that she stabbed 7-year-old Maeve and 9-year-old Annabell Kelly, reported CBS affiliate WCBS.
When police arrived at the Katonah home, north of New York City, Turkki was outside while the two little girls were sprawled on the kitchen floor, bleeding. Police said the scene was "quite horrible," but despite the horrific attack, the two young girls managed to remain conscious and responsive when authorities arrived.
"There was a lot of blood in the kitchen area," said Bedford police Lt. Jeffery Dickan. "There were two kitchen knives that have been recovered that appear to have been the weapons," he said, according to WCBS.
Turkki, who is the sister of the girls' mother, was reportedly watching the girls while their parents attended a nearby classical music concert, reported Dickan. The parents were notified at the concert. Turkki suffered a minor injury to her leg that police believe could have been self-inflicted.
Dickan refused to disclose a potential motive behind Turkki's attack or the status of her mental state. According to Dickan, she willingly submitted to urine and blood tests and did not seem to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
"It's like a worst nightmare for a parent," said neighbor Heather Flournoy.
The crime startled the family's upscale neighborhood where several celebrities reside, including Martha Stewart and Ralph Lauren, reported WCBS.
Turkki was charged on two counts of assault and is being detained at the Westchester County Jail.
According to Dickan the two girls were recovering following surgery Sunday and are in stable condition.