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Libya on my mind

We've been back from Libya for a few days now. And it's hard to get what's happening there out our minds. Zawiya, a town 20 miles from Tripoli has been listing badly and after days of assaults from pro-Qaddafi forces looks to soon be back under government control. The problem is not courage or will. The rebels in Zawiya have been valiant and steadfast. But, they are hopelessly outgunned. Most of the weapons they are using come from disaffected troops and few more that they've been able confiscate along the way. An arsenal this is not. Qaddafi has shown extraordinary patience, sending forces back day after day, chipping away until it's impossible for the rebels to hang on. And it looks like this will be the pattern for the days to come. Qaddafi wants control what he can easily reach. And once that done he can think about far away Benghazi.

Just a minute. I'm Harry Smith, CBS News.

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