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Lenny Kravitz: Time To Turn Back To Love

The title of the eighth and latest album from Lenny Kravitz says it all: "It Is Time For A Love Revolution."

The four-time Grammy-winning singer/songwriter/guitarist spoke to Early Show features reporter and weatherman Dave Price in Kravitz' adopted hometown of Paris Tuesday prior to kicking off a world tour.

He explained that, "We're living in extremely interesting times. And we're probably one of the last generations that can really pull this thing together, or at least begin to try to pull it together, and how we live our life and what kind of energy we put out makes a big difference. And we've been so distracted by so many negative things in this life, and it's just time for us to turn back to love, back to God, back to what we were put here for.

"It's true. You know, we are an expression of love. God made us because he loved us and he wanted us to have a beautiful, beautiful life. But you know, we're humans and we do our thing. But it is definitely time for a love revolution."

Kravitz's first album in four years has been widely praised by critics.

But he says he's looking forward to getting the show on the road.

"Recording is great," Kravitz observed, "because that's there it happens. That's where it's born, but then you take it out and you share it with the people, and it becomes theirs. It's their music. ... I'm very fortunate to be able to put music out that I can share with people. And you know, they give me so much love back. It's incredible."

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