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Laura Bush's Four More Years

President Bush has plenty on his plate as his second term swings into high gear.

But he's not the only one.

First lady Laura Bush could make a mark of her own over the next four years. She talks about it with CBS News Correspondent Rita Braver, who returns to the scene of her old beat, the White House, for CBS News Sunday Morning.

Mrs. Bush is working hard to educate women about heart disease, the number one killer of women in this country. She's been at it for three years, and joined the president when he signed a proclamation declaring February American Heart Month. She's also part of the awareness campaign called "The Heart Truth."

She's also in the market for a new White House chef. The old one announced last month that he's leaving. She recently told Newsweek she doesn't expect that any of the celebrity chefs with books or television shows will be interested in becoming head chef at the presidential home. But she's looking to fill the job with someone who "can really showcase American foods."

Mrs. Bush made quite a splash, style-wise, at the inauguration. Everyone was talking about her new and improved look. People Magazine Senior Editor Patrick Rogers told CBS News the inauguration represented a flat-out attempt to look beautiful and elegant. It showed her increasing comfort with the public, while promoting American fashion and personal style, Rogers said, adding, "She just stole the show in this beautiful gown that was all about Laura, as opposed to being about the first lady."

Last but not least among the many other things Mrs. Bush faces – continuing to make the newest Bush family dog, Mrs. Beazley, comfy.

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