Last Active WWII Vet Retires
The only U.S. World War II veteran still on active duty hung up his uniform Friday.
Coast Guard Captain Earl Fox, 80, is a doctor in the Coast Guard.
He fought in the Pacific for the Navy in 1942, left the service after the war and became a family doctor, then was coaxed out of retirement by the Coast Guard at age 55.
Fox has reached the maximum 30 years someone of his rank may serve.
"I feel that it's time for me to move on and open the way for younger people to come in and advance their ideas, just as I have had the privilege of using my own."
Fox said he will remember his "friends, ship mates, the things I did with their help and guidance and the experiences we had together."
Even though he is retiring from the military, Fox said he will continue to serve in his own way.
"I think I can be of help to various state pension plans and also to the social security," Fox said.
Fox admits his wife will have to get used to having him around the house a little bit more.