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Kristen Stewart tells Colbert she brushed off Trump’s tweets about her

Kristen Stewart doesn’t think much about the president’s remarks about her on Twitter. 

President Donald Trump tweeted about actress Stewart 11 times in 2012 during her relationship troubles with Robert Pattinson. 

Stewart stopped by “the Late Show” on Thursday to discuss her new film, “Personal Shopper,” but first Stephen Colbert wanted to discuss the president’s previous tweets. 

“You have an honor, if I can call it that, that so few people have,” Colbert said. “You were one of the first people on Twitter that our president, Donald Trump, attacked repeatedly. This was back in 2012, when you and Robert Pattinson were breaking up.”

In 2012, Trump posted several messages about Stewart, starting with, “Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!”

In response to Colbert’s prodding, Stewart kept her cool, saying, “Hey man, that’s cool. You know, whatever.” She then mimed brushing dirt off of her shoulder. 

After confirming that Stewart has no idea why she attracted so much of Mr. Trump’s attention, Colbert pointed out: “He tweeted at you 11 times. How does it feel to be tweeted at more than the president has condemned anti-Semitism?”

Kristen Stewart Brushed Off Trump's Eleven Tweets About Her by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on YouTube
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