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Kill a camel, save the environment?

Here in the United States, proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are often met with a feds-are-killing-the-economy stare. But in Australia — a country anxious to shed the label of world’s largest carbon emitter per capita — companies are finding business opportunities. Like killing camels, for example.

Northwest Carbon recently submitted a novel proposal under Australia’s proposed Carbon Farming Initiative to have camel culls approved as a legitimate method to reduce emissions. If approved, the camels would be shot by marksmen or corralled alive and transported to an abattoir for slaughter, where the meat could be used for pet food and possibly human consumption. Big industrial polluters would be able to buy carbon credits from Northwest Carbon to offset their emissions. Put another camel ka-bob on the barbie!

Read more about Australia's novel approach to reducing carbon emissions by clicking on BNet's coverage.

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