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Kids React meets Epic Meal Time in a Happy Meal showdown

(CBS) - We're fans of the Kids React series on YouTube. And we're also fans of Epic Meal Time. Both have been featured here on The Feed a few times. 

If only someone could find a way to mix the two series up into some sort of crazy video confectionery like the Epic Meal Time crew does all the time... oh, wait, the above video does just that! Watch and learn, player!

The video was posted on YouTube by Epic Meal Time who write about it:

We take Happy Meals to the next level!! This is how we do the kids menu player!!

An amusing parody of the Epic Meal Time crew by the Kids React team that is both dead-on and cute at the same time. But why am I suddenly hungry?

If you'd like to check out more, you can click here to go to Epic Meal Time's YouTube page or here to go to to the Kids React series on YouTube.

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