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Katherine Schwarzenegger (PICTURE) Aims to Terminate Girls' Body Image Issues

Left: Actress Nikki Blonsky and author Katherine Schwarzenegger on July 6, 2010 in Valencia, California.  (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images) Right: "Rock What You've Got."
Left: Actress Nikki Blonsky and author Katherine Schwarzenegger on July 6, 2010 in Valencia, California. (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images) Right: "Rock What You've Got." Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

(CBS/AP) Arnold Schwarzenneger made his name on his super-size bod. But what works for macho bodybuilders and action heroes doesn't always work for sensitive young women.

Which is why Governor Schwarzenegger's daughter, Katherine Schwarzenegger, titled her new book "Rock What You've Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty."

The book is the first for the Terminator's eldest daughter, a junior at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. Her mother is former NBC News correspondent and author Maria Shriver.

Katherine Schwarzenegger says one reason she felt motivated to write the book was overhearing her preteen cousins talk about their desire to be thin and "sexy."

She's also faced her own battle with body image problems, beginning in the fourth grade, according to USA Today.

"It was the first time I was aware of my body and compared what I looked like to what other girls looked like. It freaked me out," she told the paper, saying she felt "fat and ugly."

Katherine Schwazenegger was hardly fat then, she says. And today she is is 5-foot-8 and a size six, according to the paper. But she feels for girls who are grappling with their own body-image problems, saying "I want to let girls know they are not alone with the changes and doubts about their body." 

Schwarzenegger will appear with Katie Couric on @katiecouric this Thursday.

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