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Kanye West and YouTube help woman very publicly quit job

(CBS News) This is either the best way ever to quit a job, or the absolute worst. Everyone who has had a job they are not happy with dreams of the day that they can tell their boss that they are out of there, daydreaming of different ways to say, "I quit!" But Marina Shifrin went above and beyond when it came to announcing her resignation, thanks to some help from Kanye West and a little thing called the Internet. Check out her YouTube clip above that has wracked up millions and millions of views in just days, and has everyone talking.

I am not going to deny that this video is entertaining, from her goofy dancing to the witty and to-the-point captions explaining her moves, so to speak, to her perfect choice of songs (West's "Gone"). It almost seems too perfect, and brings to mind a little twerking viral video that garnered just as much attention, but turned out to be a hoax. I am pretty sure I am just being skeptical here, and this video was likely a sincere form of creativity, but I would be remiss to not mention that I would also not be surprised if Jimmy Kimmel or someone else was behind this dramatic departure. Though on Shifrin's website, she describes herself as a writer, comedian, and waitress, so this could also just be a great audition reel for her next non-media desk job.

In her YouTube post, she says:

"I work for an awesome company that makes news videos. I have put my entire life into this job, but my boss only cares about quantity, how fast we write and how many views each video gets. I believe it's more important to focus on the quality of the content. When you learn to improve this, the views will come. Here is a little video I made explaining my feelings. Wanna deal with me? Hit me up:"

Which brings up another concern behind this video: What future employer is going to want to "deal with her"? I think I would be kinda scared to hire her. What do you guys think? Would you hire a person who quit so publicly and disgraced their former company (it's now known that she worked for Next Media Animation)? Or would you just see this as a funny way to exit a place it was time for you to leave anyway? Sound off in the comments below!

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