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Justice Blocks AT&T/T-Mobile: What it Means to You

The Justice Department has sued to block AT&T's proposed $39 billion takeover of T-Mobile. The feds maintain that the deal would hurt competition; raise prices for consumers; and lead to a deterioration of service for everyone. In other words, it's a clear violation of anti-trust laws.

I'll let the courts decide which side it right, but in the mean time, here's what the lawsuit means for cell phone customers:

  • Verizon customers: no change likely
  • AT&T customers: get ready for Verizon to seduce you. Perhaps you should grab a good deal because if you stay with AT&T and they lose, you could wind up paying more for services. The reason? Without T-Mobile, AT&T will have to spend more to beef up its network. Those costs would eventually flow to consumers.
  • Sprint/Nextel customers: Delay is welcome, because if the deal were to go through, Sprint would have had a tough time competing as a distant number three.
  • T-Mobile customers: Nothing good is happening for you, because without an exit, T-Mobile is a number 4 carrier that is losing customers each quarter and scrambling to keep up.
I discussed the merger, the government's action and how it will affect customers on CBS television stations this morning:

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