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$%*&@#**!!!: Juror curses at being chosen to hear case, is fined for dropping "f-bomb"

Empty jury box
A Pennsylvania woman who voiced her displeasure - explicitly - when she was chosen to be on a jury was fined $500 by the judge. AP

(CBS) ERIE, Pa. - A Pennsylvania woman has been fined $500 for using some choice words - well, one in particular - because she was frustrated at being picked to serve on a jury.

The Erie Times-News reports Judge Ernest DiSantis levied the fine Wednesday when Kathleen Port cursed after being chosen to hear an illegal weapons case.

The Erie County judge told the woman she was "...totally out of line" and explained that jury service is a duty of citizenship.

Port apologized several times but the judge fined her nonetheless.

She told the judge she was upset because jury service would make her miss work and cost her income.

DiSantis says Port could have claimed a hardship on her jury service questionnaire, but did not.

In one sense, Port did win the day.

The judge threw her off the jury for her outburst. But she's not free and  clear.

The Erie-Times News reports the judge told her if she doesn't pay the fine within 90 days, he'll consider jailing her. Not just an idle, according to the newspaper, which says that in 2010 DiSantis jailed a juror for 24 hours after the man declared the defendant guilty before the trial had even begun.

DiSantis said Port would remain in the pool of those eligible for a jury summons, and warned her that if she is called to serve in the future, she better not "pull that kind of stunt" again.

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