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Jon Cryer comes clean: "I am a troll"

Jon Cryer on Conan, March 10, 2011. TBS

(CBS) The remaining man on "Two and a Half Men" has something to get off his chest: he's a troll.

Emmy-winner Jon Cryer stopped by "Conan" last night, where he jokingly addressed (now former) costar Charlie Sheen's slams against him, including calling him a "troll."

Pictures: Jon Cryer
Pictures: Charlie Sheen
Read more: Charlie Sheen calls Jon Cryer "a turncoat."

"This is very painful for me, not the least of which...I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm saying this...The fact is, I am a troll," Cryer admitted. "It's not something I like to talk about. My parents don't even know. Of course, I guess they do now"

He continued, "The truth is, there's not a lot of tolerance for people like me, especially in Hollywood. To avoid ignorance and bullying, I've had to hide the fact that I'm a troll. ... You have no idea how much time and money I've spent on electrolysis and hair dye and reconstructive surgery."

The actor went on to out other trolls in Hollywood, including Paul Giamatti, Helen Mirren and O'Brien sidekick Andy Richter.

This isn't the first time Cryer has made light of the "Two and a Half Men" troubles. He also taped a sketch for "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" that aired last week, in which DeGeneres takes a tour of her building and comes across Cryer, who has taken a job as a temporary receptionist.

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