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Jobs: Employment Report Preview

JOBS: what else could I talk about with CBS3? Here's a preview of today's release of the September jobs report. I'll update the numbers as soon as they're released!

September's results are they are:

  • September: -95,000 (Aug revised to -57,000 from -54,000; July revised to 66,000 from -54,000. Net revisions: 15,000)
  • Private Payrolls: +64,000
  • Census: -77,000
  • Local Government: -76,000
  • Unemployment Rate: 9.6 percent (unchanged from August)
  • Under-Employment Rate (marginally attached, part-time): 17.1 percent (up from 16.7 percent in August)
  • Unemployed persons: 14.8 million
  • Average Hourly Earnings: $22.67 (up $0.01 from Aug)
  • Av Workweek: 34.2 hrs (unchanged for the third straight month)
  • Long-term unemployed (jobless for 27 weeks and over): 6.123 million (more than double the previous record of 3M in the 1980s' recession)
  • Health Care: +24,000
  • Temporary Services: +17,000
  • Construction: -21,000
  • Total jobs lost since Dec 2007: 7.6 million
Before the Great Recession, there were 1.5 workers in the U.S. for every job slot; today, that ratio is 4.6 to 1.

Recently, the International Labour Organisation estimated that global employment wouldn't return to pre-crisis levels until 2015. It's going to be a long slog...

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