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It's Just Sex

More than ever before, sex seems to pervade American society. From the explosion of pornography on the Internet to Bob Dole's ads for Viagra, sexuality has come to the forefront. However it started, there seems to be a new sexual revolution.

48 Hours takes a look at the role of sex in American society.

Not Tonight, Dear: Correspondent Erin Moriarty reports on new scientific discoveries that are helping women who suffer from low libido.

Too Much Sex? Some critics say that America gone too far with its sex obsession. Correspondent Bill Lagattuta talks to two experts, Hugh Hefner and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Each has very different views.

Scent and Sex
Read a CBS HealthWatch story on scent and sexuality.

Email us: Do you have a great story that you think 48 Hours should cover? Let us know. Or just tell us what you thought of this week's show and Web coverage.
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