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Iraq Collects Much-Needed Rations

Iraqis began collecting their March rations on Sunday, picking up the full amount of food called for by the United Nations for the first time in six months.

Delays in the delivery of food, especially baby milk, had forced Iraq to reduce rations in previous months.

Changes to the process mean Iraqis should get full rations in the next few months, said Eric Falt, spokesman for the U.N. humanitarian operation in Iraq. Disruptions are possible, however, if there are delays in collecting oil revenue or in U.N. approval of food contracts, he added.

Baby food and medical supplies also arrived by plane and truck Sunday from Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, two countries that were part of the 1991 Persian Gulf War coalition led by the United States.

U.N. trade sanctions, imposed after Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, which led to the Gulf War, have seriously damaged Iraq's economy. Depreciation of the Iraqi currency and rising prices have put food and other necessities out of the reach of many.

The United Nations began the oil-for-food program in December 1996 to help the country cope. It allowed Iraq to sell $2 billion worth of oil over a six-month period to buy needed medicine and food, which is distributed in monthly ration to all 22 million Iraqis.

Rations for each family include flour, rice, sugar, cooking oil, tea and salt as well as soap. Families with babies can receive powered milk.

The last time the full ration was available was in September, according to the office of the U.N. humanitarian coordinator in Iraq. Last month, tea, salt and baby milk were in short supply.

Iraq repeatedly has blamed the United States and Britain for the shortages, saying that they have held up contracts at the United Nations. The United States and Britain have denied the allegations.

U.N. surveys indicate that the oil-for-food program has helped ease some of the problems here. But one in three Iraqi children still suffer from malnutrition.

Last month, the U.N. Security Council agreed to more than double the oil-for-food program to $5.2 billion for six months.

But Iraq's oil minister, Lt. Gen. Amer Mohammed Rashid, said Saturday that the country could only sell about $4 billion in crude oil every six months. Even this, he said, would require an infusion of millions of dollars to repair Iraq's oil facilities.

Meanwhile on Sunday, trucks carrying 180 tons of medicine, clothing, blankets and powdered milk from the United Arab Emirates and an Egyptian plane carrying 30 tons of baby food and medical supplies arrived in Iraq.

Actors, doctors and members of the Egyptian Parliament also were aboard the plane from Egypt. "The delegation's trip is a message of Arab solidarity to the United States and Israel," said Parliament deputy Ahmed Taha.

Written by Eileen Alt Powell.
©1998 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

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