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Iran trolls Trump, insists it will not "renegotiate" nuclear deal

TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran's foreign minister took to YouTube on Thursday to criticize President Donald Trump's threat to withdraw from the nuclear deal, saying Iran will not "renegotiate or add onto" the atomic accord. Mohammad Javad Zarif's video, which was also posted to Mr. Trump's favorite social media platform, Twitter, appeared to be taking his message to the masses after earlier speaking to news outlets across the United States to defend the deal.

It comes as Mr. Trump has signaled he will withdraw from the agreement by May 12 if it is not renegotiated and changed. Those changes have included proposals to limit Iran's ballistic missile program, which Tehran says it has as a defensive deterrent.

The five-minute video shows Zarif behind his desk, delivering his message on the deal. He offers background first about the deal before laying into President Trump and criticizing Europe for offering "the United States more concessions from our pocket."

A Message from Iran by javadzarif on YouTube

"On 11 occasions since, the U.N. nuclear watchdog has confirmed that Iran has implemented all of its obligations," Zarif, who studied in the U.S., says in American-accented English. "In contrast, the U.S. has consistently violated the agreement, especially by bullying others from doing business with Iran."

Zarif adds: "Let me make it absolutely clear once and for all: We will neither outsource our security nor will we renegotiate or add onto a deal we have already implemented in good faith."

There was no immediate response from Washington.

In the video, Zarif also appears to troll Mr. Trump, saying: "To put it in real-estate terms, when you buy a house and move your family in it or demolish it to build a skyscraper, you cannot come back two years later and renegotiate the price."

Israeli PM Netanyahu encourages Trump to pull U.S. out of Iran nuclear deal 05:01
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