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iPhone 4: The Early Reviews Are In

Believe it or not, some of the earliest of early adopters are already camping outside of Apple stores to make sure they'll be among the first in line when the iPhone 4 goes on sale early Thursday. Meanwhile, the iPhone 4 is receiving high marks in the first round of reviews to hit the Net.

iPhone 4 AP

While you prepare for launch day, here's a chance to read what's being said by folks who have put Apple's latest smartphone through its paces.

But as you sift through the reviews, there's one more uncharacteristic snag to note in a product launch that's already suffered more than its fair share of mishaps - especially odd considering that Apple is a company which usually orchestrates technology debuts with lapidary precision. This time comes late word from Apple that it won't have inventory of the white iPhone 4 until sometime in the second half.

"White models of Apple's new iPhone® 4 have proven more challenging to manufacture than expected, and as a result they will not be available until the second half of July," Apple said. "The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected."

Walt Mossberg
David Pogue

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