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Instagram photos of the Occupy Wall Street Zuccotti Park evictions


(CBS) - This morning at 1 a.m. New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg made the decision to evict the Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park, citing public health and safety issues.

"The park had become covered in tents and tarps, making it next to impossible to safely navigate for the public, and for first responders who are responsible for guaranteeing public safety. The dangers posed were evident last week when an EMT was injured as protestors attempted to prevent him and several police officers from helping a mentally ill man who was menacing others," Bloomberg said in a statement this morning.

Residents and business owners in the area have complained of loud drumming at night, debris and human waste left by the protesters. Meanwhile, the demonstrators argue they are exercising their first amendment right to free speech. 

Although, their occupation was temporarily disrupted, communication via social media remains strong. The protesters were told to regrouped at Canal street and Sixth Avenue in downtown Manhattan this morning on the Occupy Wall Street Facebook page, before being told that they could return to the park.

Whatever the outcome of this movement, social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter make it possible for the rest of us to witness events moment-by-moment. This morning's eviction aftermath was captured on Instagram by protesters and bystanders in downtown Manhattan.

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