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Independence Day rally

(MoneyWatch) As the red, white, and blue of Old Glory celebrates it's 236th birthday, Wall Street was in a generous mood by giving $820 billion in gains. To be more precise, the US stock market rose about 5.0 percent in the six trading days leading up to independence day.  This is measured by the broadest US stock index, the Wilshire 5000.

While $820 billion isn't bad, stocks gained about $910 billion in the final days before last year's independence day. 

Is it a coincidence that the last two years have had a strong Independence day rally?  Of course it is.  But if it happens next year, expect the independence day rally to be in main stream media like the Santa Clause rally or the January barometer.

In the mean time, enjoy the good feeling that comes with a stock market rally and have a great independence day!

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