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Illinois girl, 6, quietly sinks hole in one

In this photo taken July 11, 2011, Reagan Kennedy, 6, takes a swing at The Links of Ireland Grove golf course in Bloomington, Ill., as her father, Steve; sister Cheyenne, 13; and mother Erin look on. David Proeber,AP Photo/The Pantagraph

Move over Rory McIlroy, here comes Reagan Kennedy.

Kennedy, a six-year-old girl from Illinois, sank a hole in one last week - and calmly walked back to her cart as if it were a normal day at the office.

No incredulous scream. No fist-pumping. Just a ho-hum hole in one.

According to the (Bloomington) Pantagraph, Kennedy made the 85-yard shot on the third hole at The Links at Ireland Grove last week and showed no emotion because she was told by her father not to make a lot of noise on the course.

"We told her this is one time you can scream," her 13-year-old sister Cheyenne Broquard told the newspaper. "It didn't hit her until the seventh hole and she said I'm going to get another one. We said 'OK, hot shot.'"

Could the ever-confident Kennedy be following in the footsteps of the 22-year-old McIlroy - another self-assured golf prodigy with poise beyond his years?

The 22-year-old Northern Irishman and U.S. Open champ, like Kennedy, was nudged into golf by his father at a young age.

And like Kennedy, McIlroy is famous for being a golf prodigy - he hit a ball 40 yards by age 2 and sank a hole in one at age nine.

Age nine? Sounds like Kennedy is three years ahead.

If we do the math, we can expect Kennedy to win the U.S. Open by age 19.

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