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IHOP Reigns In Christmas Day Searches

On this Christmas morning, Google's popular search engine indicates that the economy, weather and President-Elect Obama's Hawaiian holiday have faded into the background. Google's Hot Trends, which provides an hourly snapshot of the fastest-rising U.S.-based search queries, shows that eating, shopping, music downloads and the passing of British playwright Harold Pinter are on the minds of Americans. Christmas Day is clearly a big day for IHOP, the International House of Pancakes, which holds the number 1, 7 and 13 spots on the list.

Dec 25, 2008 11:50 EST

1. ihop
2. stores open on christmas day
5. disney christmas parade
6. harold pinter
7. international house of pancakes
8. free music downloads
9. waffle house
10. dennys
11. john costelloe
12. guitar hero world tour cheats
13. ihop hours
14. mimosa recipe
15. itunes download
16. walmart christmas day hours
17. standing rib roast
18. is best buy open on christmas
19. rock band 2 cheats
20. littlest pet shop vip

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