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ICYMI: A look back at Sunday's 60 Minutes

11/21/2021: Reimagining Police, Supersonic, Caligula's Gardens
11/21/2021: Reimagining Police, Supersonic, Caligula's Gardens 43:20

Here's what you may have missed this week on 60 Minutes.

Reimagining police departments with safety and justice in mind

How Austin is leading the nation in police reform 13:23

Startups and NASA working to return passenger supersonic flights to the sky

Startups, NASA pursuing supersonic commercial flight 13:20

Searching for the truth in Emperor Caligula's gardens in Rome

Roman parking garage excavation uncovers Caligula's gardens 13:38

Roman Emperor Caligula's coffee table

Roman Emperor Caligula's coffee table 04:34

Being thankful this Thanksgiving

Being thankful this Thanksgiving 00:49

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