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ICYMI: A look back at Sunday's 60 Minutes

Cause and Effect, Talent on the Spectrum, Seinfeld in 2020
10/4/2020: Cause and Effect, Talent on the Spectrum, Seinfeld in 2020 43:19

Here's what you may have missed this week on 60 Minutes.

The climate science behind this year's wildfires and powerful storms

Climate scientists on 2020's wildfires and storms 13:14

Recruiting for talent on the autism spectrum

Companies seeking out potential employees with autism 13:05

Jerry Seinfeld on coronavirus, his first performances in New York and whether he considered bidding on the Mets

Jerry Seinfeld: The 2020 60 Minutes Interview 13:29

Jerry Seinfeld shares his post-pandemic performance plans

What's the deal with Jerry Seinfeld? 03:56

Climate scientists on Earth's two futures

Climate change's worst possible outcome 01:42

From the 60 Minutes Archive: Covering climate change

60 Minutes climate archive: Global Warning 13:33

How a man with autism used his ability to see things differently to help NASA analyze data

How a man with autism used his ability to see things differently to help NASA analyze data 01:34

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