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How to Sell to a CFO

A few weeks ago, I explained how to sell to a CEO. Now I'll explain how to sell to the CFO. While a CEO is generally concerned with strategy and running the company, a CFO is usually interested a value proposition (usually cost-savings) backed with hard numbers and expressed in a way that makes sense to an accountant. With that in mind, here are the five rules:

Rule #1. You must be Professional. Present the CFO with a top-level summary, backed by a detailed financial report with solid, quantified benefits and supporting analysis. The analysis should include a detailed financial model so that the CFO can more easily understand the details and assumptions surrounding the analysis.

Rule #2. You must be Practical. The financial model that you present to the CFO should be simple to understand and use, and not depend up upon information that might be difficult to gather. Naturally, the model should use whatever metrics that the CFO thinks should be to measured. Aren't sure which metrics to use? Ask.

Rule #3. You must provide Proof. Any analysis or estimates should be backed up by demonstrable proof the value proposition has already worked in the real-world. Weave benchmark and case study data into the analysis, backing whatever productivity claims that you make.

Rule #4. You must provide Perspective. Many CFOs prefer to have an independent analyst be part of any analysis and measurement of Return on Investment. If the size of the deal warrants the extra expense, hire an independent to do the analysis for you.

Rule #5. You must measure Performance. CFOs want to know how the impact of your product will be measured on an ongoing basis, and what actions your firm intends to take if those performance benchmarks aren't met.

The above is a based upon a conversation with Bruce Scheer, a principal at FutureSight Consulting, a consulting firm that sets sales strategies for high-tech firm clients. Smart guy.

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